Trade Services

Over 22 years experience of Rānā Tejārat-e Caspian's (RTC) Expert Group in commercial exchange with Central Asian Countries and issues related to exports and imports together with a thorough understanding of the laws and customs regulations, and above all, the dominance over the situation and potential markets of the ECO member states will support your business to confidently accomplish your economic activities in this area.

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Transportation Services

Over the last decade, utilizing the most modern vehicles and road fleet with experienced and professional drivers on the one hand, and proper understanding of transport conditions and regulations on the other, Rānā Tejārat-e Caspian's (RTC) Transportation Group has provided valuable services to producers and businessmen for receiving their commercial shipments accurately and with complete delivery in their specified target market.

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Business Consultation

Business Consultation department of RTC is a collection of talented faculty members and best university graduates that have unique experiences in establishment and development of entrepreneurial and economic firms due to cooperation with important companies and organizations of Iran as well as multiple experiences in strategic management of the projects in different business fields.

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Business Consultation

Great acceleration of changes of phenomena and their interrelationships are the most important characteristics of our era that distinguish it from the past. The emergence and development of new technologies have changed industries and organizations’ environment and from this perspective managing organizations has become far more complex than before.

 Under such circumstances, given the dramatic development of the concepts and theories of business management, the effort towards achieving superior results through the implementation of novel strategies and enabling firms to survive and develop their activities is at the top agenda of organizational managers and professionals.

The Business Consultation department of Rānā Tejārat-e Caspian relying on God and a special focus on management consultation, marketing and sales as a specialized and value-creator service for business and industrial enterprises is a wise and competent companion in the field of understanding business challenges and seeking to resolve possible problems and development of activities through suggesting and applying scientific, experimental and innovative methods.

The Business Consultation department in Rānā Tejārat-e Caspian through creating a dynamic and effective combination of academic experts and senior managers in an atmosphere of trust, honesty and participation as well as changing business environment at national and international levels in line with the ideals of organizational stakeholders provides consulting services.

The Main Areas of Activities and Working Groups

Environmental changes and the emergence of new business requirements have increased scope, depth and complexity of business consulting services. Thus, with regard to professional-oriented approach Business Consultation department of Rānā Tejārat-e Caspian focusing on main and strategic areas of economic and industrial activities provides expert services and consultation in the following areas in close cooperation and interaction with managers and organizational decision-makers:

  •     Dynamic analysis of the market and strategic studies and scenario-processing;
  •     Market research and sales and marketing planning;
  •     Economic, financial and investment analyses;
  •     Entrepreneurship and preparing business plans;
  •     Productivity and human resource development.


 Dynamic analysis of the market, strategic studies and scenario-processing

Dynamic analysis of the market refers to determination of the turning points of a business and the entry and exit points of the industry / business through conducting systematic analysis on market / industry. In this regard strategic planning is a type of planning with a holistic and integrated view that focuses on evaluation, the internal and external environment of the system and the feasibility of programming. Nowadays strategic planning is a multi-dimensional decision making leverage to achieve benefits and utilities. The important point, on the other hand, is to keep planning up-to-date which depends on the establishment of a comprehensive planning system. The most important parts of Business Consultation in Rānā Tejārat-e Caspian in the fields of market dynamic analysis, strategic studies and scenario processing are as follows:

  • The challenge of identifying the existing situation;
  • Ground-preparation and starting the strategic committee;
  • Proposing optimal strategy status;
  • Strategy formulation;
  • Planning operational program;
  • Designing the model of strategic control.


 Market research and sales and marketing planning

Marketing and sales operations are regarded as the front-line of the executive actions of companies in the market. In other words, companies and enterprises are faced with the problem of marketing and sales, which is a hundred times more important under current sanctions because the result of all activities of the company is presented in its ability to attract and retain customers. In this regard, the most important activities of Business Consultation department in Rānā Tejārat-e Caspian as the leading provider of innovation based entrepreneurial marketing services in marketing strategies are as follows:

  • Analyzing attractions of target market's;
  • Determining marketing, advertising and sales strategies;
  • Design and Development of qualitative and quantitative sales channels;
  • Preparation of sales tools and motives;
  • Managing and organizing market development affairs of companies;
  • Brand building and determination of company's brand equity;
  • Promotion of public relation affairs and companies' reputation.


 Economic, financial and investment analyses

Emergence of advances in science and technology and complications of competitions in today's business world have made the need for economic and investment analysis more evident; therefore, one of the main aspects of differentiation aspects among organizations in the current competitive world is to adopt appropriate strategies and orientation in investments and economic activities. Consequently, organizations need to make their best attempt to use the latest knowledge available and use appropriate financial sources to achieve maximum effectiveness not only to improve their performance, but also to promote and sustain their activities. The most important advisory services in the field of economy and investment offered by Business Consultation department in Rānā Tejārat-e Caspian can be outlined as follows:

  • Studies to identify investment opportunities;
  • Consulting services on Finance and asset management;
  • Consulting services on economic and financial investments;
  • Providing strategy for optimal cost allocation;
  • Analysis of risk and sensitivity.


 Entrepreneurship and preparation of business plans

Since entrepreneurs are considered as the engines of economic development, Business Consultation department in Rānā Tejārat-e Caspian provides distinct and unique services in preparation of business orientation programs for business plan preparation and business establishment justification in the following areas:

  • Conducting pre-feasibility studies and market research;
  • Conducting feasibility studies from the perspective of elements contributing to the success or failure of the business;
  • Conducting technical, technological and location studies;
  • Conducting financial, sensitivity and return on investment analyses.

Productivity and Human Resource Development

Considering the upstream sectoral and cross-sectoral documents of Iran, the strategy to improve economic enterprises' performance is enhancement of productivity and development of human resource competencies via access to a rich network of professors and consultants in the field of human resources. Business Consultation department of Rānā Tejārat-e Caspian provides the following services in this regard:

Establishing the productivity cycle

  • Strategic management of human resources;
  • Assessing educational needs and planning practical courses for optimizing human resources;
  • Designing career and career development path;
  • Designing and Developing employees' performance evaluation system;
  • Designing the system for compensation of employees' services;
  • Designing and reviewing the system for compensation of employees' services;
  • Diagnosing the subsystems of salary, welfare, health and benefits;
  • Designing the employees' reward and benefit provision system;
  • Improving proposal systems to the level of qualitative rings;
  • Forming and developing a model for knowledge management and documentation of the experiences of managers and employees.

Some clients of Rana Tejarat Caspian
